Los números > 30

In this unit we will be learning about numbers greater than 30. After this module, you will be able to count into the millions in Spanish!
Completing this module will help you:
- Learn to recognize and say numbers above 30 in Spanish.
- Know how to put little numbers together to create big numbers in Spanish.
- Do basic math applications in Spanish.
Click the picture below to open up the slides.
Learning Path
Go over the slides and turn in the answers from La Práctica on Schoology.
Texas 53, Baylor 99
cincuenta y tres, noventa y nueve
- Ohio State 76, Michigan 65
- Florida 92, Florida State 104
- Stanford 78, UCLA 89
- Purdue 81, Indiana 78
- Princeton 67, Harvard 55
- Duke 115, Virginia 121
Complete this grammar review.
Parte 1 – Fill in the blanks with the correct number in Spanish based on the numerical cue. Then practice speaking by saying each sentence on flip.com.
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