REpaso para el Exam Final

Our fall semester exam will be over both the 1st unit (las introducciones) and the 2nd unit (en la clase).
Completing this Module will help you:
- Prepare yourself for the final exam.

Learning Path
The format of the exam is as follows:
- Listening – students will hear a phrase or sentence and match it with a picture that makes sense with what they heard.
- Matching – Students will match up vocabulary words with actions (verbs) that they would associate with the nouns. Also a section here is matching body parts with verbs (las orejas, la mano, los ojos, la boca, y los pies).
- Reading – Students will read a short section and answer questions about it.
- Selection – Students will read a sentence and correct the picture that the sentence is referring to.
- Reading part 2 – This is a longer paragraph that contains a lot of vocabulary from the units 1 and 2. Read the paragraph and answer questions about it.
- Fill in the blank – Students will fill in the blank with the missing word. This would look something like: ¿Cómo _____ usted?
- Day of the Dead Celebration – There are a few questions related to the activity that we did over the Day of the Dead.
Make sure that you review this vocabulary in particular.
Verbs – Know how to say these in Spanish:
- touches
- jumps
- sits down
- run
- walk
- dance
- begin
- enter
- close
- draw
- yell
- throw
- sing
- cry
- I have
- end
- hit
- open
- write
- say
- stand up
- speak
- eat
- like
Know how to say these nouns in Spanish:
- boy
- heart
- book
- star
- hair
- library
- eyes
- desk
- circle
- trash
- cafeteria
- girl
- chair
- pen
- notebook
- hand
- pencil
- door
- marker
- computer
- clock
- years
- classroom
- whiteboard
- table
- window
- lamp
- paper
- student
- mouth
- on
- in front of
- up
- far
- with
- in the middle of
- under
- behind
- down
- to the right
- to / at
- in
- beside
- near
- to the left
- or / from
Know how to say the following things in Spanish:
- Goodbye
- see you later
- How are you?
- good morning
- good afternoon
- What is your name?
- Very bad
- When is your birthday?
- My name is ____?
- first
- I am sorry.
- thank you
- see you tomorrow
- so-so
- bye
- What time is it?
- How old are you?
- It is the (day) of the (month)
- Nice / pleased to meet you
- Numbers 1 – 60
Be able to answer the following questions in Spanish:
- ¿Cómo te llamas?
- ¿Qué día es hoy?
- ¿Cómo estás?
- ¿De dónde eres?
- ¿A qué hora es la clase de español?
- ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?
- ¿Cuándo es to cumpleaños?
- ¿Cuál es la fecha?
- ¿Quién es tu profesora de inglés?
- ¿A qué hora es el almuerzo?
- ¿De qué color es el cuaderno?
- ¿Dónde se sienta el profesor?
- ¿Cuántos escritorios hay en la clase?
- ¿Cuántos profesoras hay en la clase?
- ¿Dónde está la puerta?
- ¿Qué está en tu mochila?
- ¿Qué hora es?
- ¿Dónde estás?
Write the following times in Spanish.
- 1:00 pm
- 11:30 am
- 5:30 pm
- 2:47 am
- 12:00 pm
- 8:00 pm
Write out these times as though an event will begin later at these times. (a las)
- 9:00 am
- 3:30 am
- 1:12 pm
- 12:00 am
- 4:34 pm
- 7:44 am