Los sustantivos y los Articulos
(nouns & articles)
Unidad 1: Module 1.3
Los sustantivos y los Articulos
A noun is a word used to identify people, animals, places, things, or ideas. All Spanish nouns, even those that refer to non-living things, have a gender. This means that they are considered either masculine or feminine. Nouns in Spanish also have number, meaning that they are either singular or plural.
Completing this module will help you:
- understand how to properly say and use the word "the" in Spanish.
- understand how to properly say and use the words "a, an, & some"
- know how to make nouns singular and plural.
- learn several nouns and know whether they are considered feminine or masculine.
Click on the picture to open the Prezi presentation about los Sustantivos y los Artículos
Learning Path
Click on the picture above the Learning Path and go through the slides explaining how to correctly use nouns and articles in Spanish. Complete the activity at the end of the slides.
Choose the correct definite article for each noun.
Choose the correct definite article for each noun.
- Fill in the blanks with the plural form of each singular article and noun and the singular form of each plural article and noun.
Provide an appropriate article and noun for each picture.
Use this game to practice and improve your abilities to utilize definite and indefinite articles in Spanish.

Click the picture below to practice the nouns.
Things to know
Definite Articles - "THE" in Spanish
Definite Articles
4 ways to say "the" in Spanish.
Indefinite Articles "a, an, & Some"
Indefinite Articles
A spider, an octopus, some bugs!