Unidad 1



In this first unit you will learn to greet people properly in Spanish as well as to say goodbye.  You will be able to identify yourself and other people.  This unit will last from the beginning of school till approximately the end of October.

In this unit (unidad 1) (first Quarter) you will learn:

Meet the Teacher (Sr. Marble)

Learning Path

Each unit (Unidad) is broken down into modules with are the main topics of the unit.  Each module contains several lessons designed to give students a level of proficiency at each topic.

The first unit is broken down into 6 modules.  

  1.  El Alfabeto
  2. Hola, ¿Qué tal?
  3. Nouns & Articles
  4. Subject Pronouns and the present tense of Ser
  5. Numbers 0 – 30
  6. Telling time
  • These modules will not change throughout the year.  However, the lessons within the modules will.  
  • You can expect some type of assessment to be given at the end of each module.
  1. Meet the teacher video.  (Click the picture above.)
  2. Overview of this website
  3. Enroll into Quizlet
  4. Review the Syllabus
  5. First Day Conversation –  Assignment on Schoology.

(Online students – check your email for the code to enroll in Quizlet.


  • Why do you want to learn Spanish?  (Schoology Assigment)
  • Frases de supervivencia (Practice with the video below.)
      • ¿Puedo ir a la oficina?  Can I go to the office?
      • Repite, por favor. – Repeat please.
      • ¿Puedo usar mi teléfono?  – Can I use my telephone?
      • Tengo una pregunta.  –  I have a question.
      • Necesito un lápiz.  –  I need a pencil.
      • ¿Puedo ir al armario?  –  Can I go to the locker?
      • ¿Puedo ir al baño?  –  Can I go to the bathroom?
      • ¿Puedo ir a la biblioteca?  –  Can I go to the library?
      • ¿Puedo ir a la enfermería?  –  Can I go to the nurses office?
      • ¿Puedo ir a la fuente?  –  Can I go to the water fountain?
      • Necesito papel.  –  I need paper.
      • No entiendo.  –  I don’t understand.

  • Take the Survival Phrases Speaking Activity Quiz on Schoology.
  • Start the next section over the Spanish alphabet.

Supervivencia - Survival Phrases

Did you know?

Information 2

Why is Spanish considered a romance language?

Why is Spanish considered a Romance Language?

If you joined a Spanish class because you thought that doing so would make you a better lover, then you are going to be disappointed. The term Romance Language was given to the languages that were derived from Latin after the breakup of the Roman Empire. "Romance" derives from the Latin word romanice, which means "in the Roman language."